Saturday, April 25, 2020

HackersArsenal 0x01 - AMASS - Automated SubDomain Enumeration and Reconnaissance (Full walk-though)

Today on Hacker's Arsenal, We explore a tool that automates reconnaissance for us find interesting assets like servers, web applications, domains that belong to our target organisation -- to greatly increase the probability of finding vulnerabilities.....for us to add to our arsenal.

 "Hacker\'s Arsenal" Episode 0x01

Each week we will discuss a new hacker tool; some well known, some underground. I will show you how to obtain them, and demonstrate when and how to use it. However, before we start stockpiling, we need a solid foundation. 

[Category] Reconnaissance 
[Difficulty] Easy 
[Requirements] Working Windows10 

### AMASS ###

  • Download Amass
  • Extract to 'c:\tools\amass'
  • alias amass='"/mnt/c/tools/amass/amass.exe"'
  • echo !! << ~/.bashrc
  • source ~/.bashrc
  • ln -s /mnt/c/tools/ ~/tools
  • cd ~/tools
  • cd amass
  • amass enum -active -brute -o Domain.text -d

I am looking for feedback and will respond to your comments! If you have a hacking tool that you use on almost every engagement, bug bounty campaign, or if you are a tool author -- Let me know! I might highlight it here and will give you credit! :) Also, if you downvote this video, please let me know why, I will make sure I make necessary changes for future videos. 

Follow me on Twitter: 

[Links] (Kali on Windows10 Walkthrough video) 


Background: Rotten Dirty Sinky Vegas Steak ||Electro House Mix by AliKat

Friday, April 10, 2020

Installing and Configuring Kali Linux on Windows10 (Full walkthough)

In today's Hacker's Arsenal video,  We build a fully operational install of Kali on Windows10. I have been running this configuration for the past month, and it is a much better solution than dual booting or virtualized OS.

Look, I know I get it.  I am a linux guy at heart too. But doing it this way brings the best capabilities of both Linux and Windows....for us to build our future arsenal.

"Hacker\'s Arsenal" 
Episode 0x00 -- Kali on Windows10 

  • Open PowerShell window (Make sure to Run as Administrator) and paste the following command:
    Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
  • Reboot the Windows Machine.
  • Go to the Microsoft Store and search for: Kali (direct link here
  • Under "Virus  & threat protection", click Manage Settings and disable "Real-Time protection." If you are running a different Anti-Virus solution, temporarily disable it via its configuration options. This is needed because the following commands will download Kali's packaged exploits and shell-code -- Any running Anti-Virus will cause these steps to fail, and will cause you problems down the line.  We will be re-enabling the AV at the end.
  • Click start, and then launch the kali application
    • You will need to let it finish installing, and create a linux user account
After it has completed installing, the following commands need to be run from the Kali terminal:
  • sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
  • sudo apt install kali-desktop-xfce xrdp kali-community-wallpapers -y
  • sudo apt install python3 -y 
  • sudo apt install kali-linux-default -y
  • sudo nano /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
    •  change to port 23000
  • sudo /etc/init.d/xrdp start (or if you always want it running: sudo systemctl enable xrdp)
At this point you can connect to your Kali desktop, by running the Windows Remote Desktop Connection client.  Connect to: localhost:23000

If you have problems launching applications (like terminal) you need to run the following command from the kali windows application terminal window: (if you don't have any issues, there is no reason to run this)
  • sudo strip --remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
After everything is done, 
  • Add Windows Defender exception for Kali folder (search your computer for the KaliLinux folder located in your AppData\Local\Packages folder. (watch the video if you need help with that)
  • Go back and Re-Enable Windows Defender

[Links]  (Kali in Windows Store) (Kali Meta Packages for research)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The purpose of The Hacker's Arsenal Podcast

 Each week, The Hacker's Arsenal Podcast will introduce you to a new hacker tool:
  • What does the tool do?
  • When should you use it?
  • Where to get it
  • How to use it 
The goal is to make the tools more generally known, highlighting open-source, built-in, or publicly available tools that could be used for cyber defense, penetration testing, red teaming, or by an adversary.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
– Sun Tzu

HackersArsenal 0x01 - AMASS - Automated SubDomain Enumeration and Reconnaissance (Full walk-though)

Today on Hacker's Arsenal, We explore a tool that automates reconnaissance for us find interesting assets like servers, web applications...